
The History

In 1941, two chiropractors from Michigan, Dr. Ralph R. Gregory and Dr. John Grostic, Sr., joined together in developing an accurate method of rebalancing the body by correcting a misalignment in the upper cervical spine. This procedure effectively helped to reduce pain and discomfort and worked to enhance overall well being.

After the death of Dr. Grostic, Dr. Gregory formed the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA) organization in 1966 in order to conduct educational seminars. The National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research Association (NUCCRA), which later became the Upper Cervical Research Foundation (UCRF), was also established to support extensive research into the “restoration principal©” as it related to spinal corrections of the upper neck region and its effects on improved health. Right up until his death in 1990, Dr. Gregory continued to develop the procedure by researching and instituting critical changes that continue to be utilized in organization along with the NUCCA chiropractic practices today.

We continue to be a relatively small group of NUCCA practitioners globally, but the importance of an accurate upper cervical correction is being shown as an increasingly essential part of optimal physiological function and a unique and important part of healthcare today.

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