In This Issue:
- Editorial Comments
- Errors in the Taking of Cervical X-rays and their Effect on Analysis – by Marshall Dickholtz, Sr., D.C.
- An Introduction to Patient Education – by D. Gordon Hasick, D.C.
- Structure and Function: Embryologic Development and the A.S.C. – Ralph R. Gregory, Trust
- Upper Cervical Influence on the Reticular System – Hal S. Crowe, D.C. and Thomas Kleinman, D.C.
- Dentate Ligament – Cord Distortion Hypothesis – John D. Grostic, D.C.
- A NUCCA Data Base for 17 Parameters for both Pre-adjustment – Laurence Nigron, D.C.
- Letters to the Editor – Steven Goodman, D.c.
- N.U.C.C.A. News